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稿件编号: L3666
稿件标题: 432例儿童呼吸道感染患者肺炎支原体检测结果分析
稿件作者: 潘庭荣;
关键字词: 儿童;肺炎支原体;感染;肺炎支原体快速培养基
文章摘要: 目的 通过肺炎支原体(MP)快速培养基检查,了解儿童MP感染的情况,为临床诊断和治疗提供依据。 方法 对泸州市人民医院2009年1月至2010年1月儿科就诊有呼吸道感染症状者采用MP快速培养基检测呼吸道分泌物。 结果 432例呼吸道感染儿童中MP培养阳性58例,阳性率13.43%。 结论 儿童MP感染常见,及时进行MP快速培养基的实验室检查,对预防病情加重和引起肺外多器官损害有重要意义。
杂志名称: 检验医学与临床
文章刊期: 2011年08卷04期
文章栏目: 临床探讨
稿件标题(英文): he analysis of the detection and diagnosis of mycoplasma infections in children with pneumonia
稿件作者(英文): Pan Tingrong;
关键字词(英文): children; mycoplasma pneumoniae;infection; mycoplasma pneumoniae fast culture medium
文章摘要(英文): Objective:Through the detection of mycoplasma pneumoniae (MP) fast culture medium,make sure the infection of MP in children and help the diagnosis in clinic. Method:Use the MP fast culture medium to detect the respiratory secretion of the child patients who got the respiratory tract infection during the Janurary 2009 to Janurary 2010 in Luzhou People’Hospital.Result: The MP fast culture medium shows 58 cases in 432 children in respiratory infection is positive,the positive rate is 13.43%.Result:The mycoplasma often can be found in children,it is very important to use the MP fast culture medium to detect it and to avoid the severe condition and the organs damage.
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